The New Luxury
Highsnobiety: Defining the Aspirational in the Age of Hype
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21st century luxury is about the interplay between cult streetwear brands and elite fashion houses. Explore fashions transformation for a new generation of in-the-know consumers. Highsnobiety, the publication geared at culturally-connected, style-savvy, forward-thinking young men, is seen as a gatekeeper to the growing intersection of music, fashion, and style. Their latest book seeks to define New Luxury, a term that summarizes how streetwear and sneakers have not only infiltrated the upper tiers of fashion, but became it. The New Luxury isnt just about what you wear, but also what you know. This book provides the foundational knowledge of how youth-driven culture and fashion trends start from the ground up.
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Highsnobiety, 2005 von David Fischer als Blog gegründet, ist mittlerweile die weltweit führende Institution für Streetwear und urbanen Lifestyle. Aus Berlin, Tokyo, Hongkong, London, Los Angeles und New York berichtet das Team des Online-Magazins über neue Trends aus Mode, Kunst, Musik und Kultur und hat sich längst selbst zu einer starken Marke entwickelt. Ihr erstes Buch The Incomplete ist 2018 bei gestalten erschienen. / David Fischer (Gründer und CEO von Highsnobiety) und Jian DeLeon (Editorial Director von Highsnobiety) stehen für Interviews auf Anfrage zur Verfügung.

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